Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Erfolgreich durch internationale Zusammenarbeit

archiv euromedica | 2019 | vol. 9 | num. 1 | archiv euromedica | 2019 | vol. 9 | num. 1 |



C.K. B. Ferrari

exCessive body weight, body fat, and eating habits of students from publiC and private elementary eduCation

Antonio Sandu, Magda Ionela Crițan, Simona Irina Damian

equity in publiC health poliCies. the perspeCtive of diabetiC patients

Іryna Ustinova, Grygoryi Trakhtengerz

health risKs assoCiated with waste aCCumulation in the Context of environmental laws of development


A.R. Arushanyan, V.V. Konnov, A.P. Vedyaeva, D.Kh. Razakov, T.V. Matytsina, D.N. Maslennikov, R.N. Mukhamedov, A.S. Khodorich, I.V. Matytsina

temporomandibular Joint morphology at orthognatiC bite

O.I. Anfinogenova, I.M. Lisova, A.B. Elkanova, S.I. Kubanov, V.A. Anfinogenov, D.A. Domenyuk

the peCuliarities of some indiCes of peripheral blood of foreign students

Yu.A. Gladilin, O.A. Fomkina, L.V. Muzurova, E.A. Anisimova, O.Yu. Aleshkina, R.M. Khairullin, O.V. Syrova, V.V. Konnov

variability of human Cerebral hemispheres temporal operCulum

T.D. Dmitrienko, D.A. Domenyuk, M.P. Porfyriadis, A.G. Arutyunova, A.A. Kondratyuk, R.S. Subbotin

ConneCtion between CliniCal and radiologiCal torque of medial inCisors at physiologiCal oCClusion

S.V. Dmitrienko, I.V. Fomin, D.A. Domenyuk, A.A. Kondratyuk, R.S. Subbotin

enhanCement of researCh method for spatial loCation of temporomandibular elements and maxillary and mandibular medial inCisors

S.V. Dmitrienko, A.V. Lepilin, D.A. Domenyuk, A.A. Kondratyuk

CliniCal meaning of methods for identifying variability of mental prominenCe loCation

G.H. Khachatryan, A.G. Karapetyan

physiologiCal and pathophysiologiCal Changes in Chernobyl liquidators living in high altitude Conditions

V.V. Konnov, A.P. Vedyaeva, D.Kh. Razakov, E.N. Pichugina, T.V. Matytsina, S.N. Salnikova, M.V. Vorobyova, R.N. Mukhamedov, I.V. Matytsina

morphofunCtional Changes in temporomandibular Joint Correlating with its morphologiCal variations in patients with dentition defeCts CompliCated by distal oCClusion

I.M. Lisova, O.I. Anfinogenova, T.I. Dzhandarova, N.G. Belyaev, A.B. Elkanova, V.A. Anfinogenov, D.A. Domenyuk, A.S Rechitsky

CardiovasCular adaptations of foreign students to ClimatiC and geographiCal Conditions of stavropol region

L.V. Muzurova, E.A. Anisimova, O.A. Fomkina, Yu.A. Gladilin, A.A. Zaychenko, T.M. Zagorovskaya, R.M. Khairullin, V.V. Konnov

speCifiC features of maJor angular parameters of Cranio-faCial Complex in males and females with mesial oCClusion in their first mature age

Andrew K. Martusevich, Konstantin A. Karuzin

analysis of some Components of blood proteome in “healthy population” of russian megapolis

M.A. Topchiev, D.S. Parshin

histomorphologiC Changes in lymph nodes with lymphotropiC immunostimulationin experiment

M.E. Tuchina, G.V. Reva, I.V. Reva, V.G. Kozhuhar, R.A. Nasyrov

postmortem pathologiCal features in liver tissue of hiv patients

A.E. Volkov, G.V. Reva, M.V. Slesarenko, Y.V. Gordzievskaya, V.S. Tudakov, E.V. Tsegolnik, I.V. Reva

vasCular responses to the subCutaneous inJeCtion of gold nanopartiCles

A.V. Voronkov, N.B. Shabanova, M.P. Voronkova, T.A. Lysenko, A.V. Arlt, E.E. Zatsepina

the effeCt of pir-9 Compound on marKers of apoptosis in experimental foCal Cerebral isChemia in rats


Gunther Becher, Ibaa Al Shihabie, Jörg Schulz

infeKtionsKontrolle mittels gC-ims und einsatz von wundpuder (Klinoptilolith) bei ChronisChen infizierten wunden

Marion Bimmler, Bernd Lemke

agonistiC autoantibodies, a risK faCtor in patients with type 2 diabetes

Elvira Ivanova, Natalia Vorobiova

immunologiCal and virologiCal effeCts of the treatment of aCute hiv infeCtion with the use of drugs niKavir and tenofovir

S.N. Jadhav, V.G. Radchenko, P.V. Seliverstov, S.I. Sitkin

risK faCtors for developing diastoliC dysfunCtion in nonalCoholiC steatohepatitis

E.I. Myasoedova, L.P. Voronina, E.A. Popov, I.V. Sevostyanova, G.N. Mukhambetova, O.S. Polunina, N.Y. Perova, T.V. Prokofieva

the effeCt of assoCiated ChroniC obstruCtive pulmonary disease on the indiCators of preCursor of type b naturauretiC peptide and proadrenomedullin among patients with isChemiC Cardiomyopathy

N.N. Neobutov, S.V. Kolbasnikov

the state of the myoCardium, the vasCular wall and the severity of anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with myoCardial infarCtion and atrial fibrillation


A.A. Furgal

appliCation of variable vaCuum in Cardiosurgery with CompliCations

M.A. Khan, V.M. Krestyashin, E.L. Vakhova, I.V. Krestyashin, O.Y. Zimina

the use of physiCal therapy for Knee inJuries in Children

V.F. Konovalenko, V.V. Protsenko, V.S. Chorneyi

results in the treatment of saCral Chordoma

E.E. Martynenko, V.V. Usov, T.N. Obidennikova, G.V. Reva, M.V. Slesarenko, I.V. Reva

aCtive surgiCal treatment optimization of severe burns

V.M. Krestyashin, L.V. Rasskazov, Yu.N. Ivanov, N.S. Marasanov, V.V. Murga

experienCe in the treatment of Congenital syndaCtyly in the tver regional Children's hospital

G.D. Odishelashvili, V.A. Zurnajjants, R.K. Ilyasov, D.V. Pakhnov, B.T. Kurtusunov, E.A. Kchibekov, A.N. Detochkin

a new method for surgiCal treatment of Cysts loCated in the head of the panCreas

V.V. Protsenko , V.F. Konovalenko, V.S. Chorneyi

CompliCations after arthroplasty for bone tumors

V.E. Tolmachev

optimization of surgiCal treatment in dental implantaition in diffiCult anatomiCal Conditions with reConstruCtive interventions

M.A. Topchiev, V.V. Melnikov, D, S. Parshin, Sh.M. Tarikuliev

the dynamiCs of miCrolymphatiC flow in two-stage surgiCal treatment of pilonidal absCess and the use of regional lymphatiC and no-therapy

T.V. Udatova, V.V. Protsenko

the use of radiation therapy in the symptomatiC treatment of osteoarthritis of the Knee


E.A. Anisimova, L.V. Muzurova, O.A. Fomkina, Yu.A. Gladilin, Yu.V. Kustova, V.V. Zotkin, D.I. Anisimov, O.L. Emkuzhev, V.A. Zaitsev, R.M. Khairullin, V.V. Konnov

estimation of surgiCal treatment effiCienCy for young Children with hip dysplasia based on x-ray anatomiCal data

A.А. Basov, L.G. Ivchenko, D.A. Domenyuk, T.D. Dmitrienko, C.V. Nuzhnaya

the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of vasCular CompliCations in Children with insulinable sugar diabetes

N.S. Cherkasov, T.N. Doronina, A.V. Prakhov

the signifiCanCe of determination the body's energy supply before and after Competition among young athletes

Ye.B. Kasymova, O.A. Bashkina, A.A. Zhidovinov

meChanisms of metaboliC adaptation and oxidative stress in herpesvirus infeCtions


S.V. Dmitrienko, D.A. Domenyuk, S.B. Fischev, R.S. Subbotin

dynamiCs of periodontal fixing CapaCity through orthodontiC treatment employing edgewise teChnique

S.V. Dmitrienko, D.A. Domenyuk, M.N. Puzdyryova

manufaCturing methods for individual aligners and trainers from thermoplasts and CliniCal indiCations for their appliCation

R.K. Fattal, O.N. Risovannaya, S.V. Melekhov, V.L. Popkov, D.A. Domenyuk

Comparative evaluation of the maJor groups of manual toothbrushes effiCienCy and their effeCt on the oral Cavity hygieniC status

S.B. Fischev, M.N. Puzdyryova, S.V. Dmitrienko, D.A. Domenyuk, A.A. Kondratyuk

morphologiCal features of dentofaCial area in people with dental arCh issues Combined with oCClusion anomalies

A.M. Khorguani, A.M. Panin, A.A. Kharlamov, A.S. Arutyunov, A.M. Tstsiashvili

influenCe of anatomiCal faCtors on maxillary sinus membrane perforation during sinus floor augmentation surgery

V.I. Kolodkina, A.V. Arutyunov, T.S. Kochkonyan, A.A. Ovsyannikova, V.L. Popkov, O.N. Risovannaya, A.G. Arutyunova, E.T. Doeva, D.A. Domenyuk

evaluation of biologiCal indifferenCe of newer dental light-Cured materials based on outComes of CliniCal and morphologiCal studies in experiment

A.V. Lepilin, S.V. Dmitrienko, D.A. Domenyuk, M.N. Puzdyryova, R.S. Subbotin

dependenCe of stress strain of dental hard tissues and periodont on horizontal deformation degree

E.N. Pichugina, V.V. Konnov, N.V. Bulkina, T.V. Matytsina, M.V. Vorobieva, S.N. Salnikova, R.N. Mukhamedov, V.A. Mikailova, I.V. Matytsina

CliniCal manifestations of temporomandibular Joint dysfunCtion in patients with free-end edentulous spaCe

M.P. Porfyriadis, D.A. Domenyuk, A.G. Arutyunova S.V. Dmitrienko

sCanning eleCtron miCrosCopy and x-ray speCtral miCroanalysis in studying dental tissue resistanCe

O.N. Risovannaya, S.V. Melekhov, V. L. Popkov, Z.V. Lalieva, D.A. Domenyuk

oral Cavity and periodont miCrobiome status through emotional stress

M.V. Vorobieva, V.V. Konnov, N.V. Bulkina, A.A. Bizyaev, D.N. Maslennikov, A.S. Khodorich, E.S. Popko, S.V. Konnov, I.V. Matytsina

Causes behind distal oCClusion


M.G. Saliy, L.V. Tkachenko, R.V. Pavlov, E.G. Selina

assessment of the reproduCtive potential of women with hy-potalamiC syndrome



Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft