Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Erfolgreich durch internationale Zusammenarbeit

Peer Review

Peer Review Process

All research articles in our journal have undergone a peer review.

We start with an initial screening by one of the editors. If the article is generally relevant, we assign a reviewer of the closest profile to handle the manuscript. It is usually double-blind as they are reluctant to offend a colleague.

All our reviewers sign the agreement on peer review ethics including confidentiality, friendliness and above all honesty in regard of own qualifications and conflicts of interests.

There is also a checklist for reviewers, which may serve as an outline for a peer review letter.

Reviewer checklist

Abstract, title and references




Discussion and Conclusions

Reviewer Agreement Letter

Download Reviewer Agreement Letter

Reviewer Recognition

In the last days of the year the editors gratefully acknowledge the great work of the following reviewers who were with us during the whole year. Thank you for your competence, time and patience!




Europ�ische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft