Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Erfolgreich durch internationale Zusammenarbeit

Archiv-EuroMedica 02 2016| archiv euromedica | 2017 | vol . 7 | num. 1 |


N.S. Cherkasov, T.N. Doronina

CliniCal and paraCliniCal peCuliarities of stress-dependent disturbanCes of heart aCtivity in Children going in for sport

D.N.Davydov, V.A., ?.Paramonov, D.S. Novikov, R.R. Bikbaev, A.S. Davydov

10th anniversary of private surgiCal CliniC CliniCof DoCtor Paramonov

D.A. Domenyuk, V.V. Shkarin, M.P. Porfyriadis, D.S. Dmitrienko, S.V. Dmitrienko

ClassifiCation of faCial types in vieW of glathology

Graziele S. L. Ferrari, Carlos K. B. Ferrari

body iMage insatisfaCtion: a gender approaCh aMong braZilian adolesCents

S.I. Goncharova, N.A. Shnayder, M.R. Sapronova, T.E. Popova, A.A. Tappakhov, T.Ya. Nikolaeva, L.T. Okoneshnikova, E.E. Konnikova, A.Yu. Petrova

CoMpleX approaCh to physiCal habilitation in parKinson's disease

G.H. Khachatryan, K.V. Khondkaryan, A.G. Karapetyan

disorder patterns of theMyoCardiuM perfusion of theCivil aviation pilots

V.V. Koroteev, V.M. Krestyashin, A.V. Semenov

strategy for use of different dorsal instruMentations in Children With adolesCent idiopathiCsColiosis

A.B. Kuzgibekova, S.B. Mukasheva, A.E. Zhumabayeva, G.G. Yeryomicheva, B.T. Tukbekova, S.B. Dyussenova, K.S. Zhumakanova

to the issue of studying the prevalenCe of antibiotiCresistanCe aMong the population

A.G. Lezhnev, V.A. Paramonov

Questions of forMation of oXygen debt in the Conditions of laryngeal or hypopharyngeal CanCer (literature revieW)

N.N. Medvedeva, A.V. Shulmin, V.G. Nikolaev, S.N. Derevtsova, L.V. Sindeeva, A.A. Romanenko, M.M. Petrova, K.A. Gazenkampf, O.A. Gavrilyuk, N.A. Shnayder

relations betWeen soMatiC, neurophysiologiCal and psyChophysiologiCalMarKers of huMan health

N. Meskhi, E. Guzhvina, A. Zhidovinov, O. Pitirimova

features of pregravid ManageMent and prevention of CoMpliCations in WoMen With CardiovasCular pathology (literature survey)

A.V. Naumov, O.A. Ovsyannikova, E.J. Pankrashova, T.A. Shishkina, L.I. Naumova

the role of CytoKines in the forMation of MorphologiCal Changes in the sKin With leprosy

O.A. Ovsyannikova, T.A. Shishkina, A.V. Naumov, L.I. Naumova

the proCesses of apoptosis in the bone MarroW at the stages of postnatal ontogenesis under the influenCe of sulfur-Containing gas (eXperiMental researCh)

O.A. Ovsyannikova, A.A. Zhidovinov, D.V. Karpeeva, M.D. Osipenko, A.V. Naumov, D.A. Shikunov, T.A. Shishkina

features of Changes of the erythroblastiC islands on the stages of postnatal ontogenesis under toXiCstress and pharMaCologiCal CorreCtion

V.V. Shkarin, D.A. Domenyuk, M.P. Porfyriadis, D.S. Dmitrienko, S.V. Dmitrienko

MatheMatiCal& graphiCs siMulation for individual shape ofMaXillary dental arCh

D.V. Ti-Min-Chua, N.I. Tarasov, V.M. Krestyashin, D.Y. Vibornov, A.A. Grishin, M.A. Khlebnikova

eXperienCe of treatMent of diaphyseal forearMfraCtures in Children by elastiCintraMedullary nailing

S.A. Volovets, E. Yu.Sergienko, L.Yu. Darinskaya, Yu.A. Yashinina, I.V. Zhitareva, T.I. Panova

Modern aspeCts of rehabilitation of patients With disturbanCe in postural balanCe

A.A. Zhidovinov, K.H. Holamhanov, P.E. Permyakov

pathogenetiC aspeCts of the floW of burn inJury in Children

G.A. Yamanova, V.G. Serdyukov, A.A. Antonova, R.K. Ibadulaeva, D.V. Davydenko

perspeCtive of hygieniCassessMent of the state of health and Conditions of eduCation of students of CossaCKsChools

V. Krestyashin, O. Litenetskaya, I. Krestyashin, A. Domarev, Y. Podurovskaya, E. Dorofeeva, L. Ushakova, E. Filippova, M. Albegova

throMbosis of left feMoral vein in neWborns as a Cause for developMent of aCQuired Clubfoot: Case froMpraCtiCe

A.A. Oleynikov, G.I. Schumacher, A.G. Remnev, I.E. Babushkin, M.A. Oleynikov

soMe Questions of pathogenetiC JustifiCation of appliCation of traCtion therapy at the luMbar osteoChondrosis

A.G. Remnev, I.E. Babushkin, A.A. Oleynikov




Europ�ische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft