Erfolgreich durch internationale Zusammenarbeit
ANTI-Aging medicine
Cite as: Archiv EuroMedica. 2024. 14; 5. DOI 10.35630/2024/14/5.504
Received 5 August 2024;
Accepted 8 October 2024;
Published 19 October 2024
Konrad Karłowicz1
Natalia Małek1
Aleksandra Brożyna2
Sara Emerla2
Arkadiusz Bydliński2
Łukasz Ciulkiewicz3
Anita Kwiatkowska4
Patrycja Figurowska3
Maria Hermanowska5
Julia Lubomirska5 
Clinical Hospital in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Public Healthcare Center in Mińsk Mazowiecki, Mińsk Mazowiecki,
Institute of Medicine - National Research Institute, Warsaw,
5Jan Kochanowski
University, Collegium Medicum, Kielce, Poland
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AIMS: Metformin is the main drug used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
mellitus, and the most widely prescribed oral antihyperglycemic
medication. Its mechanism of action is still not completely
understood and research into new uses for the compound is still
ongoing, with one possible novel application of the medication being
to combat aging on both the cellular and the macroscopic level. The
aim of the study is to evaluate the current state of knowledge on
metformin’s potential as a lifespan-extending and anti-senescence
drug, present evidence on the matter and assess possible lanes of
further study into such effects.
METHODS: The literature review was performed using Internet research paper
databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline), using articles available
in English.
RESULTS: Multiple papers suggest tentative support for the notion that
metformin may contribute to slowing cellular senescence, as well as
to extending the human lifespan. Theoretical knowledge exists that
shows possible routes of action of metformin in this regard.
CONCLUSIONS: There is ample evidence in the literature for metformin’s possible
effects as an anti-aging drug. Numerous cellular pathways by which it
could exert lifespan-extending effects have been elucidated, and in
vivo studies on some non-human animals
have shown a measurable decrease in their production of aging
markers, as well as an increase in the lifespan. Studies on diabetic
patients have also demonstrated a significant reduction in all-cause
mortality in that particular group. However, there is a lack of data
and a need for more research that would investigate metformin’s
potential as a universal anti-senescence agent more directly. Two
large-scale studies (MILES and TAME) in the area are currently
KEYWORDS: metformin, anti-aging; senotherapeutic; lifespan.
Metformin is the main oral drug used in the
treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, recommended as the first-line
treatment by multiple international associations. [1,2]
A member of the biguanidine class of medications, it is the most
commonly prescribed antihyperglycemic drug in the world [3]. It has a pleiotropic and complex
mechanism of action, which has not yet been fully elucidated. [4]. It is presumed to exert its
antihyperglycemic effect predominantly by decreasing hepatic
gluconeogenesis and improving peripheral insulin sensitivity [5].
Having been used since the 1950s, it has recently gained renewed
attention due to its possible beneficial (e.g. anti-inflammatory [6] or lifespan-extending [7] properties, described in various
scientific studies. In this literature review we are focusing on the
latter characteristic, aiming to assess the current drug’s
potential to not only extend longevity, but also be used as a
cellular aging-modifying agent, also referred to as a
senotherapeutic. [8]
order to conduct the review, we have searched multiple Internet-based
medical article databases (including PubMed, Medline, Elsevier and
Google Scholar) and selected relevant literature available in
English. We have used the keywords “metformin”, “anti-aging”,
“senotherapeutic”, “senescence-associated secretory phenotype”,
“lifespan”. The studies were carefully reviewed and analyzed in
order to ensure the presented data was of the highest possible
metformin is a cheap and widely available medication, making its
possible new applications potentially capable of expanding the
lifespans and improving the HLY (Healthy Life Years) indicator for
patients across the world, with notably few economic barriers.
the field of research dedicated to studying aging and diseases
related to it has seen significant advancements in the recent years. [20] The
drugs used to combat senescence are referred to as senotherapeutics [21], and
can be further divided into narrower subcategories [22],
such as senolytics, agents that target aging cells and induce their
apoptosis in a process called senolysis, and senomorphics, compounds
that modify cellular metabolism and counteract SASP
(senescence-associated secretory phenotype), a phenomenon implicated
in cellular aging via producing various inflammatory cytokines [23].
The latter term is related to inflammaging, a concept that frames
aging as an extended process largely caused by accrued periods of
low-grade inflammation [24]
(mammalian target of rapamycin) is one of the most crucial proteins
in aging research, and decreasing its activity has been connected to
increased lifespan in multiple studies on numerous organisms, ranging
from S. cerevisiae [31] to mice [32].
There have been numerous drug trials for new agents targeting the
mTOR pathways, but there is also growing evidence that metformin can
be a potent inhibitor [33],
providing strong theoretical foundation for its possible role as a
has been postulated to inhibit the formation of reactive oxygen
species [34, 35],
which are also thought to be implicated in cellular aging in the free
radical theory, with posits aging as a result of accrued oxidative
damage to cells and organelles [36].
is also considered to be a ‘calorie-restriction mimetic’, but the
research on its efficacy in preventing aging in this manner appears
to be inconclusive [37, 38].
studies have found an association between metformin use and increased
longevity in humans and non-human animals, resulting in part from a
reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular events.
study by Cabreiro et al. [39] examined
metformin’s effects of the lifespan of C.
elegans worms and found that they
depended heavily on the accompanying microbes (different strains of E. coli and B. subtilis).
In the presence of metformin-sensitive E.
coli, whose methionine metabolism was
restricted by the drug, the worm’s longevity was extended by up to
36% (concentration-dependent). However, the presence of
metformin-resistant E. coli strains or an axenic C. elegans culture
both led to reduced lifespans with metformin’s use, likely due to
the drug’s toxicity. The findings suggest that the potential
lifespan-prolonging effect of metformin may be indirect and mediated
by the gut microbiota, but there are no human studies that would
validate the claim.
metformin’s beneficial effects on longevity and its potential to
reduce mortality in diabetic patients are well-documented, there is a
notable lack of quality date on the drug’s possible use for
prolonging the human lifespan in non-diabetic patients [40].
The research remains ongoing, however and there are, in particular,
two clinical trials underway: MILES (Metformin in Longevity Study)
and TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin).
Since its introduction to the diabetes treatment
guidelines many decades ago, metformin has proven to be a safe,
reliable and effective medication to improve the health span of
diabetes patients. While many of the drug’s effects and detailed
mechanisms of action remain elusive, the growing body of data gives
tentative support to the notion that it may contribute to slowing the
aging process and extending the healthy lifespan. The most noteworthy
issue at the moment is the insufficient amount of data about
metformin’s effects from prospective studies on the topic. With two
such trials (MILES and TAME) in progress, the situation is without a
doubt worth following up on in the years to come.
Author contributions:
Konrad Karłowicz, Aleksandra Brożyna;
Patrycja Figurowska, Arkadiusz Bydliński;
analysis: Natalia Małek, Sara Emerla, Łukasz Ciulkiewicz;
Patrycja Figurowska, Maria Hermanowska;
- rough preparation: Konrad Karłowicz, Julia Lubomirska;
- review and editing: Konrad Karłowicz, Anita Kwiatkowska, Sara
Konrad Karłowicz.
authors have read and agreed with the published version of the
Funding Statement:
research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interests:
authors declare no conflict of interest.
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