Europäische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

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archiv-euromedica archiv euromedica | 2015 | vol. 5 | num. 1 |


G. Becher, R. Purkhart, R. Graupner, W. Schüler

Die Zukunft Der infektion sDiagnostik-kontrolle von Bakterienkulturen DurCh Messung volatiler Marker aus DeM heaDspaCe WissensChaftliChe kurZMitteilung

E. Bespalova, O. Pitirimova, M. Bartagova

sign ifiC anCe of hy poplaastiC left h eart syn DroMe prenatal Diagnosis for outCoMes

M. Dgebuadze, L. Ratiani

age-relateD MetaBoliC DisorDers By CarDiovasCular Diseases in WoMen With ConsiDeration of the genetiC preDisposition

D.A. Domenyuk, E. Vedeshina, S.V. Dmitrienko

shape inDiviDualiZation in loWer Dental arChes DraWn on BasiC MorphoMetriC features

M. Flentje

koMMunikation iM notfall — Was ist WiCh tig für eine effektive notfallversorgung

H.I. Ibodov, R.R. Rofiev, D.S. Mirzoev, T.Sh. Ikromov

results of surgiCal treatMent of hyDatiD liver Disease in ChilDren

T.Sh. Ikromov, H.I. Ibodov, N.S. Ibodov, S.K. Asadov

rehaBilitation of ChilDren With nephrolithiasis assessMent of the respiratory funC tion in ChilDren With aMBilateral urolithiasis in CoMBination With Chron iC kiDney failure

P. Karczewski, P. Hempel, M. Bimmler

vaskuläre koMplikationen DurCh autoantikörper gegen g-protein gekoppelte reZeptoren Bei Den volkskrankheiten DeMenZ unD typ-2-DiaBetes soWie Der BürgersChen krankheit

V.M. Krestyashin, K.N. Darinskiy, L.U. Darinskaya, I.V. Krestyashin, A.O. Domarev, O.U. Litenetskaya

DeterMin ing treatMent taCtiC s of infants of 0-2 Months With Congenital hip DisloCation

Z.N. Nabiev, M.D. Murodov, M. M. Egamberdiev

role of the iMMune Drugs in the treatMent of aCute lyMphoBlastiC leukeMia in ChilDren

Y.Y. Peresta, S.M. Dzhupyna, O.V. Dulo, V.V. Vayda

the state of lipiD peroXiDation anD antioXiDant DefenCe systeM in patients With ChroniC CalCulous CholeCy stitis

S.P. Sakharov, A.A. Zhidovinov

the WounD in feC tion in ChilDren With the severe therMal trauMa

A.N. Serova, M.A. Kurbatov, A.A. Gerasimov

pathogenetiC options of treatMent of the knee osteoarthritis

K.A. Tatzhikova, L.A. Gurkina, L.I. Naumova, M.I. Shikunova

non-invasive Diagnosis of vasCular lesions of the loWer eXtreMities in DiaBetiC patients By laser Doppler floWMetry in ConjunCtion With polyMagnetotherapy

G. Becher, J. Schulz, S. Heymann, R. Purkhart, R. Graupner, W. Schüler

point-of-Care Diagnostik von keiMen in Der ausateMluft von patienten Bei infektionskrankheiten

I.J Chekunova, L.I. Naumova, T.A. Shishkina, I.S. Davlatova, M.I. Shikunova

Morphology of Chron iC proCess in lungs Due to long inhalation of loW ConCentration of gas Containing hyDrogen sulfiDe

L. Gogiashvili, Z. Tsagareli

the pathology anD Morfology of lesion in MiCe Brain CorteX unDer influenZa virus a (h3n1 1/62) infeCtion

D.V. Dedov, S.A. Masyukov, I.Y. Yevtyukhin, A.N. Kovalchuk, M. Asisova, T. Yarakhmedova

the stuDy of MyoCarDiuM reMoDeling after intervention al treatMent of atrial fiBrillation in patients With isCheMiC heart Disease an D arterial hyperten sion

S. Edeling, S. Pokupic

intrakorporale harn aBleitung Bei Der roBoterassistierten raDikalen ZystektoMie (rarC) — ergeBnisse unD erfahru ngen naCh 50 patienten

J.N. Hajiyev, V.A. Allahverdiyev, E.M. Klimov, N.J. Hajiyev

CoMparative state of loCal anD sy steMiC in DiCators of Cellular, huMoral iMMunity anD Cytokine profile in patients With peptiC ulCer BleeDing

S. Heymann, J. Schulz, O.G. Nikolaev, S.V. Fomchenkov

fortsChritte in Der aDjuvanten therapie Des DiaBetes Mellitus typ 2 Mit Mineralien

G.H. Khachatryan, A. G. Karapetyan, N.S. Kamalyan, K.V. Khondkaryan

CoMpleX raDio-DiagnostiC features of CoMpliCation preDiCtors after Coronary arteries stenting

A. Kuzovlev, V. Moroz, A. Goloubev

CoMpleX Diagn osis of nosoCoMial pneuMon ia in surgiCal patients — role of Clara Cell protein anD surfaCtant protein D

V.V. Moroz, E.A. Miagkova, A.K. Zhanataev, D.A. Ostapchenko, A.D. Durnev, V.I. Reshetnyak

prognostiC inDiCator for the DevelopMent of infeCtious CoMpliCations in patients With severe trauMa anD hypoXia

V.V. Protsenko, B.S.Duda, O.S. Ilnitskyi

reConstruCtive surgery for tuMours of the Bone shoulDer anD knee joints

D.M.Sabirov, R.N. Akalaev, K.I. Mahkamov, R.N. Mavlyan-Khodjaev, A.L. Rosstalnaya, S.E. Khaydarova, F.O. Parpibaev

th e analysis of Mortality Causes in prehospital anD hospital perioDs in severe trauMatiC Brain injury

A.N. Serova, M.A. Kurbatov, A.A. Gerasimov

th e MeCh anisMs of BaCk pain forMation anD pathogen etiC treatMen t

A.A. Skoromets, S.A. Dambinova, T.A. Skoromets

CirCulatory DisturBanCes in the spinal CorD of aDults (innovation s in spinal angioneurology)



Europ�ische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft